Re: [AD] Some good news for the Emscripten port.

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Seems interesting, but from what I've read, Cheerp probably isn't very well-suited for compiling old C code like Allegro. It may require even more changes to source than Emscripten. It is also C++-based, which clashes a bit with Allegro C-style code (unlike Emscripten). More importantly, it does not seem to contain full OpenFGL ES2 emulation, which we still need to make Allegro work, because of Primitives addon. The last thing is, Cheerp is GPL'd and so is their libraries, so any software produced with it should be GPL-compatible too. Allegro isn't, as far as I understand.

12.08.2014 22:15, Peter Hull пишет:
Didn't read past the first paragraph, but is this of any interest?


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