Re: [AD] Allegro JavaScript port using Emscripten (First version complete)

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I'm very much in favour of keeping this around, whether in mainline or in a separate branch.

I was on the verge of abandoning Allegro in favour of SDL simply because of the lack of emscripten support. For better or worse, HTML5 is an enormous deployment base and is set to grow considerably as a viable distribution target for video games.

So it runs slow now; that's not surprising considering what it is. Tuning and iteration will certainly improve the situation.

If it is considerable effort to maintain the main branch with support for emscripten, and no one is particularly interested in actively maintaining the emscripten port, then why not place it in its own branch? On the odd occasion that someone is interested they'll have an official path by which updates can be backported or the whole branch can be brought forward.


On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My reasons are:

1) It's too special interest. There's no good reason to ever use this other
than the author's use case which was showing off a demo where he couldn't
use native programs. Skater (an incredibly simple game) runs at 12 FPS on my
Core i7.
2) It bloats Allegro in many areas including size and especially time needed
to completely test and maintain releases.
3) If you do decide to use this there's no reason you can't go get it
somewhere else. Reasons 1 and 2 tell you the drawbacks. Put the drawback on
this library (having to get it somewhere else) rather than on Allegro itself
(win win.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Trent Gamblin [mailto:trent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: June 14, 2014 1:33 PM
To: 'Allegro Development'
Subject: Re: [AD] Allegro _javascript_ port using Emscripten (First version

I'm not in favor of adding this at all, probably ever. Just my 2c.


-----Original Message-----
From: beoran@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:beoran@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: June 14, 2014 1:32 PM
To: Allegro Development
Subject: Re: [AD] Allegro _javascript_ port using Emscripten (First version

This is a very nice beginning. I am in favour of already adding this
to the development branch of allegro, or to a separate branch, to keep
Max's good work safer from getting lost.

On 6/14/14, Max Savenkov <max.savenkov@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here's a result of my work for the last two months: a port of Allegro
> to _javascript_ via Emscripten. Patch for the latest Git version is
> attached. The port isn't fully complete, but it has most of
> functionality working, so I decided to present it to community for
> testing and to generate interest.
> Downloads & Further info:
> Pre-compiled version:
> Modified sources:
> (Some) compiled dependencies:
> Skater example:
> Release post:

> Porting your Allegro game to _javascript_ with Emscripten:


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