Re: [AD] Allegro JavaScript port using Emscripten (First version complete) |
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I've compiled Cosmic Protector. I get steady 60 FPS with it. Check it out here:
Profiling version with debug info:
Optimized version:
I had to rip out main menu (because it had nested endless loops I had no patience for right now), but the rest of code is unmodified save for the FPS counter.
re: maintainer: in short term, I'm, of course, can be a maintainer for this port. In longer term, I'm not a "library" kind of guy, though, I much prefer working on games than on middleware (unlike lots of programmers I know, who could spend years polishing an engine or GUI library without ever finishing, or even starting a game). I can try to stick around for longer (I never was a maintainer for a part of open-source project before, so I don't know I have persistence).
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