Re: [AD] Patch: improved website stylesheet

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On Sun 27 Apr 2014 01:07:55 PM Elias Pschernig wrote:
> On Apr 26, 2014 6:06 PM, "Beoran" <beoran@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Well, I don' t want to "force" anyone to use Allegro.
> > But I feel the web site could be improved to be a bit more up to date,
> > and also to make Allegro more attractive to newcomers.
> > 
> > It's true we have to improve Allegro, and actually now as we are
> > speaking I'm porting the
> > haptics subsystem to windows to do just that. But there's not much
> > point in improving
> > Allegro if no one is there to use it. So I think a bit of "marketing"
> > would be very useful
> > and not take that much work. What are problems you see with that idea?
> I think we need to reverse the order we do things though... first create
> binaries, then market.
> It doesn't help if we get people to be excited about the features and what
> Allegro can do, just to lead them to an empty downloads page. (And no,
> source code doesn't count in 2014... I know myself I ignore anything I'd
> have to compile myself first :p)

If anyone can setup a vm image that will make it simple to automatically make 
windows binaries, I'll host it. I have a box I can slap a bunch of vmware 
appliance images on. Which means windows performance won't suck too bad 
(unlike with my kvm/qemu based system :( ).

It's a used dual socket, quad core box with a bunch of ram. theres plenty of 
room on it for vms and stuff to run. Including making binaries for other os's, 
and possibly even a bunch of linux distros.

If anyone wants to help set that up, I'm game.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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