Re: [AD] shader addon

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Wait, that's not entirely correct. If you build with just the MinGW included stuff and use d3dx, you have to distribute the d3dx9.dll that comes with that binary pack you were talking about (it was on my site but it should be on sourceforge now.) Which is of questionable legality. So for me using the SDK is already something I'm going to do.


On 2013-02-24, at 1:34 PM, Trent Gamblin <nooskewl@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 2013-02-24, at 12:50 PM, SiegeLord <slabode@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Michał, if you're listening, was it complicated to get MinGW to 
>> cooperate with that SDK?
> Not Michal but I use it in my games. I install a specific version so I can distribute the stripped down runtime with the game. So the D3D version of my game would have a dxredist directory which has about 1-2MB of D3DX stuff that can get installed automatically. Otherwise if you don't use the DX SDK and use MinGW it's kind of random which d3dx9 dll the user will need (there are a bunch of versioned ones.)
> Trent

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