Re: [AD] 5.0 and 5.2 on the same system

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On 12/11/2012 09:18 AM, Peter Wang wrote:
On Mon, 10 Dec 2012 22:32:26 +0100, Tobias Hansen<thansen@xxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
By the way, the pkgconfig files
already have this flaw. It would be better if they also would not have
the ".0".
I also think it's a problem.

The minor version suffix slightly helps the parallel installation case.
You can have one of each Allegro branch listed on your PKG_CONFIG_PATH
then choose between them on the pkg-config command-line.  It's a pretty
high cost for that, though, if every program that depends on Allegro
needs to probe multiple branches.

It also doesn't help the more general case.  You can't choose between
5.1.3 and 5.1.4 on the pkg-config command-line.  That's doable by
putting the desired version earlier on PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

We _could_ release Allegro 5.2 with *-5.0.pc files, or we may consider
transitioning to branch-neutral names.

Now, with few packages using Allegro 5 yet, it is still a good time for changing it to *5.pc. There are no programs using Allegro 5 in Debian yet and it can't be many in Fedora either.


PS. GTK+2 still uses gtk+-2.0.pc though I don't know what the "2.0"
means to them.

I think they just created them for GTK+ 2.0 and kept the name when they realized that subsequent versions are source compatible and changing it to *2.pc would already have been to much hassle. Another explanation would be that they have a separate version number reserved for incompatible API changes.

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