Re: [AD] Raspberry Pi port

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On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Trent Gamblin <nooskewl@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a Raspberry Pi port that should be ready for commit pretty soon now.

Awesome news.

> One issue: I decided it would be a good idea to remove a lot of GP2X Wiz code while I was working on this. Many of the #ifdef WIZ things I removed. Do people care? Should I 1) put them all back (might be tricky with all the changes I've made, but...) or 2) Finish removing them all. If 2) then should I just leave the gp2xwiz directory or remove that too?
> My preference is to remove all of the WIZ ifdefs from the core but leave the gp2xwiz directory. As I found out with this port and the old linux console mouse and keyboard drives, that old stuff can come in handy.

Personally, I'd remove all the #ifdefs as well as the folder. But
that's just because I find it more tidy to have unused code tugged
away into version control. Can always pull it back out from git if the
code is needed later.

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