[AD] a5 ubuntu ppa

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I think we should publish an Ubuntu PPA for both 5.0 and 5.1 packages. I just learned that 5.0.8 is packaged for ubuntu raring (12.10) but not for any other distro and 5.1 is not packaged. It is very easy to set up PPA's. gusnan from #allegro-dev already has a debian/ directory going. I make ppa packages for another system: https://launchpad.net/~plt

I think we should include gusnan's debian directory in our git tree. http://packages.ubunut.com/search?keywords=liballegro5

Then its a simple matter of uploading a tarball to launchpad, for which I just created a group: https://launchpad.net/~allegro

I can set this up. The only real question is whether its appropriate to include the debian tree directly in our git tree.

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