Re: [AD] Allegro 5 MIDI addon

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I think a MIDI add-on for Allegro 5 would be an excellent idea - even if it was just an add-on and not part of the core-library. In fact, the lack of MIDI functionality is one of the reasons I'm still using A4.

Is it just going to replicate the functionality of the A4 MIDI engine, or is it going to do things like be able to show which note is currently being played, or to allow the programmer to change tune/track-parameters such as the tempo, pitch, instrument etc. of a tune/track as it's being played? I've written some code for the A4 MIDI engine that does both these things - see . BTW. Many of the links in my post are dead, so here's some up-to-date links.


On 12/10/2012 13:45, Tobias Hansen wrote:

I'm thinking about writing a MIDI addon for Allegro 5. Since my
intention is to get it included into Allegro, I check with you first.

I think it's a good choice to use libfluidsynth. The Allegro addon has
to do the same things with libfluidsynth as Alure [1], so I intend to
reuse some of Alures code. That means the addon would be partly under
Alures license X11/MIT. There are free soundfonts available (I don't
mean that Allegro must include one, but it's good to know). A reasonable
one is [2] I think. It's GPL licensed. If you want to test
libfluidsynth, you can use the alurestream program bundled with alure:

FLUID_SOUNDFONT=<soundfont> alurestream <midifile>

My questions are:

1. Is that something you would like to include into Allegro 5 if it
works well? Do you see any problems with my plan?

2. Would that go into the acodec addon or should I create a new addon to
avoid a dependency of the acodec addon on libfluidsynth? (My preference
would be including it in acodec.)

Tobias Hansen


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