[AD] Allegro 5 MIDI addon

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I'm thinking about writing a MIDI addon for Allegro 5. Since my
intention is to get it included into Allegro, I check with you first.

I think it's a good choice to use libfluidsynth. The Allegro addon has
to do the same things with libfluidsynth as Alure [1], so I intend to
reuse some of Alures code. That means the addon would be partly under
Alures license X11/MIT. There are free soundfonts available (I don't
mean that Allegro must include one, but it's good to know). A reasonable
one is [2] I think. It's GPL licensed. If you want to test
libfluidsynth, you can use the alurestream program bundled with alure:

FLUID_SOUNDFONT=<soundfont> alurestream <midifile>

My questions are:

1. Is that something you would like to include into Allegro 5 if it
works well? Do you see any problems with my plan?

2. Would that go into the acodec addon or should I create a new addon to
avoid a dependency of the acodec addon on libfluidsynth? (My preference
would be including it in acodec.)

Tobias Hansen

[1] http://kcat.strangesoft.net/alure.html
[2] http://packages.debian.org/sid/musescore-soundfont-gm

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