Re: [AD] d3d fullscreen alt-tab crash

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On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 06:49:45 -0600, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Sounds like a lost device without freeing all resources before resetting
> the device, but not sure. I haven't actually set a real fullscreen mode in
> a long time with Allegro. If I have time today I'll look at it... hopefully I
> will just finish what I'm doing now and I'll have all day to look at it. If you
> have the DirectX sdk installed though you could try enabling the D3D
> debug libs and running it in gdb. That can be hazardous especially
> on XP though, if you can't tab out of fullscreen to get to the command
> prompt. But if you can it should so a bunch of D3D errors I'm guessing.

I was wanting to test the lost device work you've been doing, to see
what difference it makes from the 5.0 to 5.1 branches.  How do you
normally trigger that?  I guessed that a fullscreen mode is required.


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