Re: [AD] d3d fullscreen alt-tab crash

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On 2012-06-12, at 6:43 AM, Peter Wang wrote:
> Hi,
> If I alt-tab while in a real fullscreen mode with the D3D driver, in
> ex_ttf or a5teroids (or probably any program that updates regularly),
> then it will crash on the call to d3d_disp->device->DrawPrimitiveUP
> in d3d_flush_vertex_cache.
> This happens with both 5.0 and 5.1 branches, on Windows XP.
> Any ideas?
> Peter

Sounds like a lost device without freeing all resources before resetting
the device, but not sure. I haven't actually set a real fullscreen mode in
a long time with Allegro. If I have time today I'll look at it... hopefully I
will just finish what I'm doing now and I'll have all day to look at it. If you
have the DirectX sdk installed though you could try enabling the D3D
debug libs and running it in gdb. That can be hazardous especially
on XP though, if you can't tab out of fullscreen to get to the command
prompt. But if you can it should so a bunch of D3D errors I'm guessing.


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