Re: [AD] Android 2.2

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On Sat, 19 May 2012 08:27:35 -0600, "Trent Gamblin" <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 13 May 2012 14:00:15 +1000, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >> wrote:
> >> Found the culprit:
> >>
> >> egl_createContext tries to force 16 bit.
> >>
> >>        if (!color_size_specified) {
> >>           egl_setConfigAttrib(ALLEGRO_RED_SIZE, 5);
> >>           egl_setConfigAttrib(ALLEGRO_GREEN_SIZE, 6);
> >>           egl_setConfigAttrib(ALLEGRO_BLUE_SIZE, 5);
> >>        }
> >>
> >> Commenting that out allowed al_create_display to succeed.
> >>
> >> Peter
> >
> > It defaults to 16 bit. I guess it's ok not to set a default though. If you
> > set any of RED/GREEN/BLUE size it won't set that default.

I'll delete it then.

> It should probably also set 565 or 8888 if you set COLOR_SIZE.

_al_android_update_visuals does this, right?


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