Re: [AD] Documentation missing |
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On Thu, 26 Apr 2012 23:53:43 +0200
Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Would it be possible for someone to document
> al_draw_filled_polygon_with_holes and relatives? It's not obvious to
> me how to use them and I can't work it out from the code.
I found an example, I can try document off that maybe:
float xy[] = {
0, 0,
0, 100,
100, 100,
100, 0,
10, 10,
90, 10,
50, 90};
int holes[] = {4, 7};
al_draw_filled_polygon_with_holes(xy, 7, holes, 2, color)
Basically the first 4 xy pairs are a polygon (it can be non-convex).
Then follows another 3 xy pairs denoting a hole. The holes array
specifies the index positions where vertices change direction. So
index 4 is the start of a hole. I never tried more than one hole but
without that 7 it didn't work.