Re: [AD] About sonames

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On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 23:02:29 +0200, Tobias Hansen <tobias.han@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> we (Andreas Rönnquist and myself) are packaging Allegro 5 and 4.4 for
> Debian right now.

Hi Tobias,

Good to hear.

> You are using the first two parts of your version number (5.0/4.4) as
> library sonames. The thing with shared libraries is that the soname
> should only change when binary compatibility breaks and binary
> compatibility should not break without changing the soname. That is why
> most libraries use sonames independent of the version number and the
> soname ideally changes very rarely. While changing the soname too often
> only leads to more work for us (updating and recompiling games more
> often than necessary), missing to change the soname when necessary leads
> to more serious problems. So my first question is: Do you assign your
> version numbers with this in mind, so that using them as sonames is
> feasible? Do you always keep the libraries binary compatible when
> changing the third part of the version? Does binary compatibility
> usually break when you change the second part of the version?

Yes, yes and yes.

Note we only speak about stable versions here (even number in the
middle).  Unstable versions may break binary compatibility at any time.

> Otherwise
> would you consider using sonames independent from the versions?


> Also I reviewed the copyright of Allegro 5 in this file:
> If I missed some files which have different copyright, please let me know.

Looks fine.

> You can see the patches we applied to Allegro 5 and 4.4 here:
> Some are only needed by us, but others may be suitable to be adopted by you.

Thanks, most of these look good.


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