Re: [AD] About sonames

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Am 12.04.2012 01:03, schrieb Peter Wang:
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 23:02:29 +0200, Tobias Hansen <tobias.han@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> Do you assign your
>> version numbers with this in mind, so that using them as sonames is
>> feasible? Do you always keep the libraries binary compatible when
>> changing the third part of the version? Does binary compatibility
>> usually break when you change the second part of the version?
> Yes, yes and yes.

Ok, in that case, we could go a step further and track newly added
symbols between versions of the same soname. (So games compiled with
5.0.6 but using no newly introduced symbols will work with 5.0.5.)

The problem here is that both Allegro 4.4 and 5 seem to export private
symbols. For example, liballegro-dialog exports these symbols:

 _al_append_native_text_log@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 _al_close_native_text_log@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 _al_open_native_text_log@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 _al_show_native_file_dialog@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 _al_show_native_message_box@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_append_native_text_log@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_close_native_text_log@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_create_native_file_dialog@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_destroy_native_file_dialog@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_get_allegro_native_dialog_version@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_get_native_file_dialog_count@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_get_native_file_dialog_path@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_get_native_text_log_event_source@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_open_native_text_log@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_show_native_file_dialog@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6
 al_show_native_message_box@xxxxxxxxxx 5.0.6

The ones starting with an underscore are private, right? Are they
exported for a reason? Could you remove them?

Best regards,

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