Re: [AD] index for documentation

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On Sat, 14 Jan 2012 18:47:33 -0700, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I haven't done the section for the starting letter yet, does anyone think its needed? The page looks a little bare at the moment. It could use a nice header at the top that says 'Index' or something.

I changed the output to what I suggested.  Did you not want lists or

> I must say that the entire doc system (cmake + utilities in C) made this whole adventure much more time consuming that it should have been. That is, it would have taken a few minutes in perl/python.

It *is* more complex than it needs to be, but I don't think
this change would have taken me more than a few minutes either.

If anyone could be bothered, it would probably be best to create a
single monolithic C program and move most of the cmake logic there as
well.  Like the A4 makedoc program but, you know, maintainable.


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