Re: [AD] ex_menu crash in Windows

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On November 24, 2011, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On 24 Nov 2011, at 13:58 , Peter Wang wrote:
> > Ok, did that, or at least made a start.  We'll probably want a way to
> > create an unmapped window to embed elsewhere.  I just ran an Allegro
> > program, then got the window ID out of allegro.log and passed it to
> > from:
> I only skimmed the documentation, so I may not understand completely what
> this does. Do I understand correctly if I think that this allows us to
> create an X11 window with Allegro, then pass the window ID to GTK (or Qt,
> or whatever) as well tell GTK how to request mouse/keyboard data from
> Allegro. GTK is then able to draw a menu on the window we created with
> Allegro, and send messages back to Allegro if the menu has been
> clicked/otherwise interacted with? If so, that's pretty cool (do we need
> to enlarge the window to fit the menu?). If not, how far off am I?

I thought it was more like you could embed the allegro window inside any other 
X window. But you may be right, if you can get gtk and qt to embed our window, 
whats to stop it from allowing us to embed a menu?

> Evert
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