Re: [AD] native menus

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On 13 Jul 2011, at 17:50 , Matthew Leverton wrote:
> The addon already uses a display/menu struct vector in the native
> dialog that can be queried to get at the attached menu. I would have
> liked to put it in the ALLEGRO_DISPLAY itself, but it felt like a
> violation of how addons are supposed to work.

True. The only reason for suggesting it the way I did is because of the need to change the menu when the active window changes. By the way, we need to specify what happens to the menu if the user doesn't create one for a new window. It would feel rather odd if most of the menu entries disappeared...
By the way, I have no idea how all of this would work with "full screen views" that will be introduced by Lion. I also have no immediate desire to upgrade to Lion because the new features don't look like things I actually want...

> I think the only annoyance would be if the user already has a Window
> menu. In that case, perhaps the default Window menu could be
> appended/prepended to it after a menu separator.

Appended is the proper approach, I think (that's the impression I have from looking at other applications anyway).


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