Re: [AD] blender operations SRC and DST

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> 2-5% sounds harmless enough. But maybe wait for Peter, he spent a lot
> of effort into optimizing this and might thing differently :) Also,
> did you figure out when the "unoptimized reference implementation"
> (that comment needs to be removed in your patch) is used? Maybe can
> remove it completely now.

Ok. Development on my game is waiting on this patch because I require
GL_DST_COLOR as a blending factor, so I'm hoping the patch can be
applied soon.

The unoptimized reference implementation is part of al_blend_memory
which is still useful because it accepts a BITMAP and an x, y coordinate
to get the destination color. _al_blend_inline only works if you have
all the necessary data (source, destination, blender operations,
blending factors). My patch leaves al_blend_memory to get all the
information and just pass it along to _al_blend_inline.

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