Re: [AD] Allegro fails to fully build

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On March 9, 2011, Edgar wrote:
> Thomas Fjellstrom said
> "Since the ASM was removed, it should probably be added as a generic
> file. The reason it wasn't in the other files is it was also implemented
> in ASM for a long time."
> Trent Gamblin said
> "The question of whether colconv.c should be included on UNIX and DOS
> remains open, I'm not sure."
> I think that src/misc/colconv.c should be added to the
> ALLEGRO_SRC_C_FILES list and removed from all the other lists. My
> reasoning is this : Since src/misc/ccolconv.c is included in
> ALLEGRO_SRC_C_FILES, it will always be built. Since the three symbols it
> declares as extern (_colorconv_rgb_scale_5x35, _colorconv_rgb_map, and
> _colorconv_indexed_palette) are only defined in src/misc/colconv.c, then
> colconv.c always has to be included in the library build. I thought that
> the ASM builds were gone for good by now, but I could be wrong.
> Anyway, I tested moving all references to src/misc/colconv.c in
> allegro/cmake/FileList.cmake to inside the ALLEGRO_SRC_C_FILES
> definition and rebuilt the same version and everything worked for me
> (without installing xorg-dev, although I will install that later to get
> X11 support). The patch to do this is attached.
> Trent Gamblin said
> "99.9% chance is you want to build with X support."
> allegro/docs/build/cmake.html mentions nothing of how to do this, but in
> allegro/CMakeLists.txt it says
> "option(WANT_X11 "Want X11 support (Unix)" on)",
> so it should be on already, but I never saw any message during the cmake
> setup that said X11 support was disabled or missing. Maybe this is
> something we could add?
> Also, someone please tell me how to quote properly. I'm starting to feel
> a little silly.

Your email client should have a "Reply" option. Hit that, and then insert 
replies to individual bits inline. And snip out large portions of text that 
aren't relevant.

> Thanks, Edgar.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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