Re: [AD] standard path updates

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On January 6, 2011, Sebastian Steinhauer wrote:
> Am 07.01.2011, 00:02 Uhr, schrieb Thomas Fjellstrom
> <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> > I thought it was possible to mix physfs with the standard fs if you set
> > it up
> > right. Don't hang anything directly on / or it might hide everything (or
> > so
> > I'm guessing). PhysFS would be pretty useless if it always hid the
> > regular fs.
> Hmm well no. PhysFS always hides the native filesystem and mounts
> everything on a virtual / or some subdirectories. I'm not aware of some
> way mixing PhysFS with the real fs. If you want to include some files from
> the regular fs you have to mount the desired directory the virtual file
> system. That's exactly what a virtual filesystem should least in
> my opinion.

Ah, well thats about the same deal. Just mount the native fs where you need it 
and that problem shouldn't happen should it? al_fopen should only fail if the 
underlying vfs can't find the file you're asking for (or you ran out of 
resources). So if you're using physfs through allegro, make sure you only ask 
for files you know will exist.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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