Re: [AD] 5.0 and 5.1 branches

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It seems to work just fine when dividing the alpha out. I didn't notice
any degredation of image quality. The code I used is attached as a patch.

Trent Gamblin

On 2010-11-16, at 4:59 PM, Trent Gamblin wrote:

> Well we want to support non-premultiplied alpha as the default, so I guess just dividing out the
> alpha is something we have to do if using the native Apple loaders. As far as I can see, nothing
> has to be done to make OS X and iPhone use premultiplied alpha since they already do. Of course
> users have to change their blenders, but as far as loading goes it already loads premultiplied.
> I'll try this dividing out the alpha and see how it goes this evening...
> --
> Trent Gamblin
> On 2010-11-16, at 4:53 PM, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
>> That's rather stupid.
>> Of course it's easy to divide out the alpha value (with some loss of precision, maybe) if we really feel that we should do that.
>> But it seems a lot of hassle to avoid something that we're going to add later anyway.
>> Since supporting pre-multiplied alpha properly is, on OS X at least, really a bugfix, I say we can get it into RC2 / release. Only thing is someone should do the work and commit before then.
>> Evert

Attachment: no_premul.diff
Description: Binary data

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