Re: [AD] A5 FontAddon plans for embedded font?

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>> if the 4.9 branch really is in strict feature freeze we could
>> finally open the 5.1 branch now. Unless we want a complete development
>> freeze until 5.0 is out to keep the temptation for anyone to work on
>> anything but bug fixing as low as possible :)
> I suggest that this is probably a good idea to ensure that said bugfixing actually does happen.

I think separate branch is the right way. 4.9 will become
stabilization branch, which accept only bugfixes from 5.x branch. 5.x
will be development branch.
Two month freeze of active development doesn't sound like good idea.

> I'll see if I can run things on my old iBook to see whether we broke anything silly (not that it's a realistic target for A5 development these days).

It is, if your publisher demand it. I see no other reasons. As far as
I know BFG require games to run on Mac 10.4, both PPC and Intel.

I can run tests on Mac's. We have 10.4 (Intel and PPC), 10.5 and 10.6.
But I will need a binary to do so.

thedmd, Michał Cichoń
Artifex Mundi

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