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On Thu, 2010-09-16 at 11:22 -0400, Pavel Sountsov wrote:
> Well, color and memfile addons also consist of one relatively small 
> file each, so I don't think size alone should decide this. Many high 
> primitives functions seem to me to be somewhat esoteric utility 
> functions... you could say that they are to allegro core as libGLU is 
> to libGL.
> I don't feel too strongly about that, however.
> Incidentally, do these recent changes make that scaled bitmap test that 
> Elias originally complained about pass? It'd be kind of silly if it 
> still fails...

That particular test works with the replacement function I committed
into ex_blend_bench. It even works if I change the scale from 200 to
2000. But that's all I tested. Is there something specific which you
think may make it perform in a smaller range than GPU implementations?

Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>

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