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As can be seen in the failing [test scaled rotate 5][sw] unit test,
parallelogram_map cannot draw things which exceed the range of an
al_fixed, which is 32768. I suggested a few times already to move
al_draw_bitmap et al. into the primitives addon and then use the polygon
rasterizer in there for drawing rotated bitmaps, which has no such
limitations. It is slower though.

Other than that, I'm not really sure what to do. I'd hate to ship A5
with an always failing unit test. Limiting to 32768 also is out of the
question these days, I think some of my panoramic photographs are like
60000 pixels wide and I want to view them in my A5 programs :) Also
scaling a typical screen of 1920x1200 zoomed 16x would go over the

The parallelogram_map code looks kinda unfixable to me, a #define which
is several pages long with the worst kind of comments ("ugly hack", "i
think the can never happen") and things like a commented out #ifdef
where nobody knows what it was about. That code was written by Shawn for
Allegro 1.0 a really long time ago I think so no surprise...

Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>

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