Re: [AD] Use GetMessage instead of PeekMessage (Win32)

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On 2010-08-25, at 6:00 PM, David Capello wrote:
> Well, I don't have too much D3D knowledge, but looking at
> the code, the d3d_generic_window_message_loop() thread
> is the message pump of the window messages, and
> d3d_display_thread_proc() is the other thread checking
> if the device was lost. In this last function is were al_rest(0.001)
> is required to check the device status periodically.
> I think that we would need to use PeekMessage if we had
> only one thread: message pump + device regeneration in
> the same thread. But this is not our case, we have two
> threads doing different task each one. IMO.

Oh, I see. You're right. I forgot I separated them... I'll test
your patch a little now, though it looks fine.

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