Re: [AD] update bitmap drawing after addition of transformations

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On 2010-08-16, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2010-08-15, Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I agree. Maybe also make it even more automated. Move all such tests
> > into "tests/" instead of "examples/" and print the result to stdout.
> > Then we could make a script which simply runs all the tests/test_*.exe
> > and checks if the output says "FAILED" or "PASSED" (like, once we have
> > 100 such tests and running them by hand would get cumbersome...).
> > 
> > Or maybe have some simple output format, like:
> > 
> > test1: PASSED
> > test2: FAILED
> > 
> > Then a single executable could run more than one test and print one line
> > for each.
> Yes.  I'm thinking that the tests should be defined in a config file,
> one section for each set of test parameters and its expected hash.
> Some tests could 'extend' other other tests to reduce redundancy.
> I'll work on it tonight.

I've committed something now.  The program currently only tests memory
bitmaps.  Later I will test hardware implementations by checking that
their outputs are similar enough to the software outputs (would RMS
error work?)

The tests are in no way comprehensive yet.  Please add as many as you
like.  Primitives and fonts are also candidates for testing.  I would
suggest putting them into separate .ini files.

Any thoughts or suggestions are of course welcome.


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