Re: [AD] display options again

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Peter Wang wrote:
I think we can do better with the display flags/options stuff,
as has been raised before.

Display flags could be integrated into the more general display options
framework.  The options API is a bit harder to work with, though,
so maybe we have to do something about that.

Options contained in display options are mostly values related to OpenGL context creation. Sets of values supported by the OpenGL context can be queried, scored (in respect to DONTCARE, REQUIRE, SUGGEST flags and a hardcoded "weight" of each option) and finally chosen and set. In most cases you don't need to set any because the default values would just fit.

I really have nothing against giving up the above definition of what display options are. It sounds like implementation details and it was taken from AllegroGL, not even thinking how it fits in D3D.

Milan Mimica

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