Re: [AD] Display options that aren't really options |
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- To: Coordination of admins/developers of the game programming library Allegro <alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [AD] Display options that aren't really options
- From: Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 02:03:36 +0200
Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
I thought it would be a good enough solution to put things like
ALLEGRO_MAX_BITMAP_SIZE as part of the display option api, but its more
annoying than anything. when you call al_get_new_display_option, you have to
pass a pointer to an int you're just going to ignore, and they seem to be
documented under al_set_new_display_option which is slightly odd, since you
can't actually set them.
Makes no sense to use those with
al_get_new_display_option/al_set_new_display_option. Only with
al_get_display_otpion(). Documentation should reflect that.
Milan Mimica