Re: [AD] About colors

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On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On June 15, 2010, Trent Gamblin wrote:
> On Tue, June 15, 2010 1:12 pm, Pavel Sountsov said:
> > Here are the alternatives so far: the task is to draw a rectangle with
> > an outline. We also want to highlight the top and bottom edges with a
> > different color using lines.
> > 1. Current implementation:
> The more I think about this and hear all the different options, the more
> I think we should keep it simple and go with OpenGL expected behaviour...
> Which I think is what Elias has been pushing all along. It makes sense
> now that I understand the "growing symmetrically" bit..

Not sure I can agree with that. We should probably change to use a GL
coordinate space as well, if we are going to "stick to OpenGL expected

Well, don't call it "OpenGL expected behavior", call it "expected behavior" then. It's how it works in DirectX, in Cairo, in Clutter... it's basically how it works in any serious graphics API. The pixel-grid assumption just is only good when you want to make retro-games. Pixel-independent coordinates on the other hand allow doing exactly the same thing as with A4 (it's not *that* hard to understand it) but also allow a lot more.

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