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On 24 Apr 2010, at 16:56 , Trent Gamblin wrote:
> What is everyone's opinion on setting up a 5.1 branch now?
Not sure. Too soon I think, if we're still making changes to the 4.9 branch.
Once it's frozen it could be done, and arguably should be done so that new features can be implemented as needed, but someone will have to make sure that fixes applied to the 5.0 branch (as 4.9 then becomes) get applied to the 5.1 branch as well.
> I know this was mentioned not long ago, and said to be too
> early, but I'm working on some pretty major changes now
> (So far I've 'upgraded' a lot of the transformations to 3d,
> made the iphone port start using the transformation api
> instead of direct gl, and begun moving around code and
> adding in a separate path for the programmable pipeline
> to be used) and I doubt these things should go into the
> current 4.9 branch.
> I also have the basics for a shader addon
> done for OpenGL...
Are you reinventing the wheel or reusing the one that was started by Dario ff on Acc?
(See for instance http://www.allegro.cc/forums/thread/603307 if you missed it)