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What is everyone's opinion on setting up a 5.1 branch now?
I know this was mentioned not long ago, and said to be too
early, but I'm working on some pretty major changes now
(So far I've 'upgraded' a lot of the transformations to 3d,
made the iphone port start using the transformation api
instead of direct gl, and begun moving around code and
adding in a separate path for the programmable pipeline
to be used) and I doubt these things should go into the
current 4.9 branch. I can keep them locally of course, if
it's too soon for a new branch. I've got a lot of other changes
to make soon. I also have the basics for a shader addon
done for OpenGL... It would be especially nice to start a new
branch if I'm not the only one who has 5.2 changes to make.
Trent :{)>