Re: [AD] release

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On April 1, 2010, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2010-04-01, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On March 30, 2010, Peter Wang wrote:
> > > Just a reminder, there will be a release in the next few days.
> > 
> > Now that the "beta" is out, and we're under a feature freeze for 5.0,
> > its probably time to create a 5.1 branch for the next WIP series.
> Just so we're clear, it's not actually a beta.
> 4.9.19 was a rushed release and I don't want to be held under any
> artificial constraints for the sake of a joke.  So at _most_ we under a
> "soft" feature freeze until the next release.  If it was discussed
> already you can add it (quickly), otherwise not.  Ok?

Ah. I had assumed what was discussed earlier was still the plan. That this 
release would be a alpha, or beta or rc of some kind, and that a freeze 
would be in effect.

> Please don't create a branch until we have to.  Backporting is still a
> pain.

Well you'd only use it if you absolutely couldn't put whatever it was into 
4.9/5.0. And not creating the branch will mean anyone who wants to add 
something new will just have to wait, and thats not really polite.

> Peter
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Thomas Fjellstrom

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