Re: [AD] GDI+ image routines

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On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Matthew Leverton <meffer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Attached are implementations of al_(load/save)_gdiplus_bitmap(_f)
> functions that could be used to handle PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP
> files. (BMP is probably best handled by Allegro natively.)

I've committed the implementation. The changes affect every platform's
build process. Tested under MSVC, MinGW and Linux.

the same meaning and usage.

Technically, WANT_PNG and WANT_JPG mean (or should mean) that you want
PNG and JPEG support. However, in practice it really means you want to
use libpng and libjpeg. This is because WANT_NATIVE_IMAGE_LOADER will
always load PNG and JPEG files via GDI+ (if present) regardless of
WANT_PNG or WANT_JPG. It seemed silly to enable GDI+ but then disable
the PNG and JPEG loaders if they were explicitly turned off.

ALLEGRO_CFG_IIO_HAVE_GDIPLUS/JPG/PNG mean you have those libraries
(gdi+, libjpeg, libpng) AND they are actively being used, while
ALLEGRO_CFG_IIO_SUPPORT_JPG/PNG means that the image *format* is
available. The SUPPORT_* flags ended up being superfluous in regard to
building Allegro since the other flags are sufficient for determining
which libraries and functions to use.

Matthew Leverton

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