Re: [AD] Feature-freeze?

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On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thats what the proposal is supposed to prevent. Not sitting on changes.

Theres going to be no new talent (no new generation) if the development dies
to such an extent again.

I would like to see that not happen.

It's really nothing I care much about... *if* someone will want to pick up development for whatever reason it will be up to them to decide on how to do the versioning then. Or even just start a new library instead of naming it Allegro. So no need for us to plan ahead that long.

Myself I'm somewhat wondering how long things like libraries and so on will even be needed, once we have mind control and stuff I'd want to just think of the game, how it should work and how it should look and computers would do the lower levels tasks of translating those thoughts into some kind of machine language or whatever... :)

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