Re: [AD] support for toggling fullscreen

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On 5 Feb 2010, at 15:09 , Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> Hmmm... ok, there's a thought: remove the window frame (OS X 10.6+ only I think), find out what the depth of the menu bar/doc is, elevate the window above those and resize. Grab the display to prevent other applications from popping a window in front of ours (or not, as the case might be, but Allegro's normal fullscreen mode does this).

Additional to this, it seems that on OS X 10.5+, you can make full screen applications using the "normal" Cocoa NSView classes, which would make it possible to use essentially the same code for fullscreen as for windowed modes. I think that's potentially very useful and I'll look into this over the weekend.

It's OS X 10.5+ only though. The question is if we want to stay 10.4 compatible. Without thinking about it too deeply, my feeling is that the answer to this question is "yes, we do". That's just a case of conditional compilation based on the MAX_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED, of which we have a few instances already. Again, I'll have a look over the weekend.


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