Re: [AD] support for toggling fullscreen

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On 5 Feb 2010, at 12:13 , Elias Pschernig wrote:
> I just noticed that Apple is using fullscreen all the timer after all.
> E.g. if I use "quick look" on any file in Finder it has a fullscreen
> button. Same in itunes.

Sure. I never said it's impossible to set a fullscreen mode. Just that you can't easily take a window and tell it to go make itself fullscreen.

> In both cases it simply fades the whole screen
> to black without ever changing modes.

Allegro programs do that if I set a fullscreen mode at the native resolution of my display. At least I'm fairly certain that's what it looks like when I do that.

> Also if I enable the thing that
> moving to screen edges does various stuff it can draw to the whole
> screen and not just a window.
> Neither Adobe Flash Player nor those OSX apps are open source of course
> so can't look how they do it but at least I'm sure now with it being
> such a standard thing also in OSX there should be some example code for
> it around somewhere.

It's sometimes hard to find, in my experience. Apple's developer site is good, but I find that quite often it doesn't quite have what I want.

> But yes, I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes it requires
> creating a new OpenGL context which means it will not be so easy to
> implement :/

I guess the difference between Allegro's windowed and fullscreen modes is this: in the windowed case we use an NSWindow, which captures events for us. In the fullscreen mode we need to capture events ourselves. How easy it is to do this differently (if this is possible at all) I don't know, but that's part of what will determine how hard or easy it is to implement this.

Personally I don't see what's wrong with telling the user to create a new display, except it doesn't look as fancy. ;)


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