Re: [AD] support for toggling fullscreen

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On 5 Feb 2010, at 14:54 , Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
>> Sure. I never said it's impossible to set a fullscreen mode. Just that
>> you can't easily take a window and tell it to go make itself fullscreen.
> I don't think this feature means you need a special fullscreen mode at all. 
> All it does is remove, (or hide offscreen) the window decorations, and 
> resize the rest of the window to fit.

Hmmm... ok, there's a thought: remove the window frame (OS X 10.6+ only I think), find out what the depth of the menu bar/doc is, elevate the window above those and resize. Grab the display to prevent other applications from popping a window in front of ours (or not, as the case might be, but Allegro's normal fullscreen mode does this).


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