Re: [AD] Touchpad gestures

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On 17 Feb 2010, at 17:14 , Miquel 'Fire' Burns wrote:
> Though I don't have a laptop with the multi touch features, something
> tells me they map to something only the driver understands, and the
> app doesn't get raw "gestures".

You can do that on OS X, actually, at least as far as I understood the API.
The OS will tell you that it received, for instance, a "zoom" gesture, but you can also track the gesture yourself as it is made.
I don't think we want to go that way though, because I suspect that that interface will be very platform-specific.

> From what I seen on Windows, the
> touchpad scrolling feature is not even the standard scrolling, and
> some apps that respond to the scroll wheel don't respond to touchpad
> scrolling. Things may have changed with the mutli touchpads that I
> seen appearing with Windows 7 however.

Don't know. That's not on issue on OS X as far as I'm aware.
More to the point, I'm not sure what it has to do with the ability to detect gestures in Allegro?


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