Re: [AD] al_toggle_display_flag |
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On Fri, 2010-02-12 at 10:29 -0500, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> It doesn't work "naturally" under OS X, because a full screen display
> as we implement it is a very different thing from a windowed display.
> Still, I guess it'd just return false in that case.
I meant "naturally" from an API view. Seeing how things are different in
Windows, OSX, Linux here we probably should leave as much as possible up
to the implementation.
> > Unlike a resize operation they both are really just a
> > flag (under X11, indeed "maximize" and "fullscreen" are just two window
> > properties of the windowing system).
> Not on OS X. On OS X you resize the display.
Yes. In X11, toggling "fake fullscreen" is virtually identical to
toggling "maximized" (the old window position and dimensions are
retained by X11 at all times) except that the title bar of the window
disappears and menu-bar and task-bar are also hidden while in
fake-fullscreen state.