Re: [AD] Missing system vtable entries on OS X

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On 28 Jan 2010, at 6:51 , Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Can you loop through all possible values and query them?

In what sense do you mean?
I can try to set a particular pixel format (so a combination of values), query that and see whether the options I'm told I'd get match up with what I asked. In other words, I can go and try every possible permutation of values and filter out all the ones that don't give me exactly what I asked for, but it sounds like a lot of hassle and I don't honestly see the benefit.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see this mainly as something that is useful for when Allegro needs to decide on what mode best describes what the user asked for. That's something Apple's OpenGL implementation does already.
I simply don't think these functions make as much sense on OS X as they do on other platforms.

Apart from saying that this information is simply not available, the only other option I can think of is to do a subset of what I said above: not try every possible combination, but try a couple of common ones and simply report whether they will work or not. That is a bit misleading though.


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