Re: [AD] Some thoughts about multi-window applications

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On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 08:06 -0400, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> 2. Related question: I'm working under the assumption that the last  
> created window has input focus. Is this true on all platforms (it  
> would make sense)?

Definitely not - for example compiz has 5 different "focus stealing
prevention" options and most of them will not allow new windows to get
focus (or be raised above the window which currently has focus).

> 3. Not unimportant: I place the windows such that they don't overlap.  
> To do this, I derive from the position of the first window and move  
> the new window position by the window size and a little extra to  
> account for window decorations. However, it is guananteed that the  
> space taken up by decorations will be different across different  
> platforms. Should we add a function that will return the window  
> dimensions on the desktop for this reason? Does this functionality  
> exist on all platforms?

X11 provides it I think - from what I remember it's even needed already
for the implementation of al_toggle_window_frame as that would move the
window by just that amount otherwise.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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