Re: [AD] void* conversion errors in kcm_audio/openal.c |
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Well, a totally default build seems to be generating static libraries as well, despite the SHARED setting for CMake.Thinking back, I've only made one modification to VS between now and the last time I ran CMake, which was to install the service pack so that I could use NetCOBOL.I'm about to reinstall, so we'll see if that's the ticket soon enough.On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxx> wrote:
On 8 Jul 2009, at 17:01 , Kibiz0r wrote:I'm sure that one's supposed to be C++, but asound.c isn't, which is
> Yep, C++, but that's what CMake set it to. Why is dsound.cpp in
> there if it's supposed to be C?
the file that is giving you errors, if I read your previous post
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