Re: [AD] Continuous build script for allegro

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On 2009-05-07, Martijn van Iersel <amarillion@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all
> I've set up a continuous build script for allegro 4.4 and allegro 4.9.
> It monitors the subversion repository, checks out any new revisions as
> soon as they arrive, tries to build it (on a linux box) and reports any
> errors.
> I could configure it to send out email to the developers or the commit
> mailinglist whenever there is a failure. Would there be any interest in
> such a service?

Sure.  More useful (for me) is if someone could set up an MSVC or OS X
build.  But it can't hurt to have more testing :)  I think you can send
mail to the commits list.


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