Re: [AD] Memory Bitmap to Display blit slow?

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On 1 mrt 2009, at 14:44, Stefanos A. wrote:
Some recent posts on GameDev (or was it Beyond3D?) indicated an
unoptimized upload speed of ~400MB/sec from system memory to OpenGL. The poster was able to improve speed significantly by breaking up the updates in smaller calls to glTexSubImage2D, presumably because a single big call
would thrash the cache.

Weird. I would always have expected a single block copy to be faster than multipl smaller block copies...

Which reminds me: you are using glTexSubImage2D instead of glTexImage2D
for blitting, right? The latter allocates video memory anew and will
positively destroy performance.

Hmm. We seem to use glTexImage2D to upload a bitmap and use glTexSubImage2D to synchronise when an image is unlocked. I can play around with that, I suppose.


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