Re: [AD] Memory Bitmap to Display blit slow?

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Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
On Sun March 1 2009, Milan Mimica wrote:
Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
I've been noticing this for a while now, but under linux, with the nvidia
binary drivers, bliting a memory bitmap to a regular allegro 5 display is
horrendously slow.
Upoading a bitmap from system memory to OpenGL texture is just slow, as
ex_membmp shows it. That's how I see it and never asked why.

It's not 4fps on a Quadcore with a 8800GTS slow.

Reminds me, AllegroGL had this comment and I never looked into it:
/* XXX On NV cards, we want to use BGRA instead of RGBA for speed */

Milan Mimica

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