Re: [AD] Update for gfx_mode_select/ex/filter behavior for A4.3.11+

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On 3/6/2009 at 8:25 AM, Elias wrote :
I still think the docs need to be changed to make more clear that you
must not pass pointers to uninitialized variables in any of the three
functions now (and a note saying so for the first one should be added to
api._tx, as that is a change slightly breaking compatibility - valgrind
will now warn on code which was perfectly fine before and such code
therefore should be updated when upgrading).
I don't see why you can't pass pointers to uninitialized variables. No matter what the value is in memory there, if it is not in the list, the entry selection will just default to the first entry in the selection list. What warning would valgrind give for it? Not trying to be argumentative, just don't see what's wrong with it, as even that case is included in the logic for the initial index selection. Also, the point was to remove the restriction, as it seemed a little strange to me. Shouldn't users always initialize their variables anyway, and if they don't then it's their own problem?

I don't understand - what kind of conflict with GFX_AUTODETECT would
Maybe in practice there wouldn't be one, however, I was thinking that if you use a current driver id as the value indicating not to search for the values in the lists and default to the first entry, then you couldn't use that driver id to indicate that it is the initial value you would like the list selection to have. Currently, I think that GFX_AUTODETECT may always be the first entry in the list for gfx_mode_select and gfx_mode_select_ex, but if the user filters that mode out in gfx_mode_select_filter it would have to default to the first entry anyway. So perhaps it wouldn't cause any problems to use values of 0 at the addresses passed to the function. Maybe there should be a note saying not to leave the *card value at GFX_NONE though, as that could cause problems being one of the possibly returned values, for errors, and for completely filtered mode lists.

However, the logic inside the functions would remain the same, but only check for entry matches if the values at the addresses passed to the functions were not zero. So each search would be wrapped in a (if *parameter != 0) clause. I think it's fine to always search for the values at the addresses passed to the function, but if you'd prefer it the other way that's fine. Also, the behavior would be exactly the same as always searching for the values anyway, as 0 would never be found on the lists except for the driver list as GFX_AUTODETECT, which would lead to the first entry anyway. We could leave the function draft as it is, and add a note to the documentation saying to have a value of 0 at the addresses if they want to always default to the first entry in each list.

Let me know what you decide, and I'll rework the functions and documentation and resubmit the patch.

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