[AD] scons build

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Should we remove it from SVN?

I've read on allegro.cc that also kazzmir isn't interested in
maintaining it any longer, so it's now completely unmaintained.

And while scons had the advantage of a much more stable build (it never
gets dependencies wrong, even if adding/renaming/moving source files)
and a much better language (even cmake people themselves couldn't answer
me if adding to a global list inside a cmake function is supposed to add
to that list or make a new local one) - cmake also has some nice
features scons doesn't have.

Also, our scons build really was a pain to maintain :P It's unlikely
anyone would want to read through those scripts and get them working
again - if there's to be a a new scons build again, likely it would be
written from scratch.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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