Re: [AD] al_verb_noun

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2009/2/3 Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 2-Feb-09, at 2:32 PM, Peter Wang wrote:
>> Presumably someone who does that will actually run a few example
>> programs and find them broken (highly likely, at least).
> That's assuming they don't fall through a crack and do work on their
> system in their test cases.
>>> You know, I never really understood why "sizeof(something)" is not a
>>> compile-time constant.
>> It is.
> Sorry, I worded that poorly. I've never understood why it's not a
> compiletime constant that you can use in preprosessor directives (eg,
> #if sizeof(x) = sizeof(y)).

Because the preprocessor is a *pre*processor which knows nothing about C.
It wouldn't know what `x' or `y' are.


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